Backup and Migrate 8.x-4.2, 2021-07-09 -------------------------------------- #3121797 by paulocs, thalles, RenatoG, Neslee Canil Pinto: Update support.source link in composer.json. #3104422 by peterkokot, DamienMcKenna: PHP 7.4 deprecated reverse order of glue and pieces in implode. #3121309 by DamienMcKenna, Neslee Canil Pinto: Compatibility with Drupal 9. #3128371 by solideogloria: info.yml "dependencies" spelled wrong. #3130772 by DamienMcKenna: Remove dependencies from info.yml file. #3131711 by douggreen: 'label' key defined twice for backup_migrate.profile.* config_entity schema in backup_migrate.schema.yml. #3065017 by DamienMcKenna, dercheffe, Promo-IL: Restore emoji unicode characters not possible. #3143651 by DamienMcKenna: Ignore cache_page by default. #3172703 by DamienMcKenna, devad: Revert info.yml file change, make 8.x-4.x only compatible with D8. #3200714 by DiegoPino, pdcarto, azovsky, felixoe, DamienMcKenna: Incompatibility with s3fs. #3187528 by vacho, DamienMcKenna: Missing schemas for configs. #3200694 by David Radcliffe, DamienMcKenna: Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated in PHP 8.0. #3173629 by DamienMcKenna: Backport tests, profile fixes from 5.0.x. #3044332 by tonytheferg, hmendes, larisse, DamienMcKenna, Pasqualle, TD44, godwing, couloir007, hoporr: PHP notice and warning after db backup. Backup and Migrate 8.x-4.1, 2019-12-20 -------------------------------------- #2975065 by Dinu Rodnitchi, Alex Andrascu: Add encryption support. #3041404 by DamienMcKenna: Add CHANGELOG.txt. #2947276 by liliancatanoi90, rajeshwari10, minakshiPh, Elaman, emartoni, DamienMcKenna, alonaoneill: Missing module help. #2947219 by bryrock, PhilY, Alex Andrascu: Timestamp no more uses site timezone. #2962548 by mattshoaf, Alex Andrascu: Depends on Core Entity module. #2992448 by Pasqualle, riddhi.addweb: Warning after install. #2935402 by DamienMcKenna, ikit-claw: Further improve coding standards compliance. #2935402 by DamienMcKenna: Further improve coding standards compliance. #3028984 by i-trokhanenko, Roman Dyn: Replace deprecated REQUEST_TIME. #2925371 by tibezh: Usable menu items in Administration menu. #2950887 by liliancatanoi90: Admin menu item is missing a description. #3013182 by RoshniPatel.addweb: 'label' key defined twice for backup_migrate.profile.* config_entity schema in backup_migrate.schema.yml. #3047223 by DamienMcKenna: Temporarily remove NodeSquirrel integration. #3047798 by trustypelletgun, cosmicdreams: Corrected typo in MySQLi extension error message. #3053127 by DamienMcKenna, JonMcL: Added note about the new B&M Flysystem module. #2998626 by frob, DamienMcKenna, JonMcL: Bad logic halts functionality if the uncompressed file is too large. #3006542 by ashlewis, DamienMcKenna, cl.choong, jacklee0410, maki3000, TedWS: Failed to connect to MySQL server. Backup and Migrate 8.x-4.0, 2018-03-29 -------------------------------------- #2937840 by hugronaphor: Avoid "Unable to find the wrapper "private"" error. Backup and Migrate 8.x-4.0-rc1, 2018-02-21 ------------------------------------------ #2945253 by liliancatanoi90, mlahde, Dinu Rodnitchi: Restoring wrong type of file gives "Restore Complete." #2931261 by Dinu Rodnitchi, yukare, liliancatanoi90: Wrong settings profile in schedule edit. #2939721 by gaurav.kapoor: Variable $out declared but not being used anywhere. #2930752 by DamienMcKenna, Venkatesh Rajan.J: Fix coding standards compliance bugs. #2912460 by DamienMcKenna: Removed two unused permissions, fixed backup download access, test improvements. #2912460 by Dinu Rodnitchi: Add tests for all basic functionality (D8). By Alex Andrascu: Removing tests from lib folder. This will be refactored and reintroduced in a later version. Backup and Migrate 8.x-4.0-beta3, 2017-10-12 -------------------------------------------- #2913362 by Dinu Rodnitchi, fietserwin, zheleong, Alex Andrascu, paolo m.: The destination upload does not exist. Backup and Migrate 8.x-4.0-beta2, 2017-10-04 -------------------------------------------- #2913362 by fietserwin: The destination upload does not exist By Alex Andrascu: Fix for #2913021 Backup and Migrate 8.x-4.0-beta1, 2017-09-29 -------------------------------------------- #2912153 by Alex Andrascu: Roadmap. #2831297 by szeidler, Alex Andrascu: Exclude cache table contents by default By Alex Andrascu: Coding standards ammends. #2912153 by Alex Andrascu: Roadmap\n - MySQL autocommit support for faster restores of larger db. Config options for this tweak still to be added. #2878538 by pankajxenix, Alex Andrascu, Eugen Andrasescu: Warning: ZipArchive:: getNameIndex(): Invalid or unitialized Zip object in BackupMigrate\n- Fixes filesize for all compressed files. #2135827 by Alex Andrascu: The Download method should be related to the role permissions. #2826108 by PushaMD: Use tokens to create file names for backups. #2877008 by Dinu Rodnitchi: Ability to order the Saved Backups by Name, Date and Size. #2905381 by smk-ka: composer.json does not contain valid JSON #2803371 by Alex Andrascu, HongPong, couturier: Uninstall "entire site" config message looks terrifying. By Ronan: Remove composer cruft. Move to Symfony autoloader. By Ronan: Add limits and more link to backups tab. #2875686 by Alex Andrascu: Split Source and Destination into two separate forms. #2862618 by couturier: Add field to "Schedule" for number of backups to keep. By Ronan: Fix issue with file timestamps not saving. #2723963 by jojyja: Removing unused imports in code. #2692931 by pashupathi nath gajawada: Removed urlInfo() deprecated method from code base. #2869821 by harsha012: fix the coding standards. #2817045 by Dinu Rodnitchi: 'The backup file could not be saved to 'private://backup_migrate/' because it does not exist.' #2848869: Destination not saved with schedule. #2851741 by vibrasphere: 'UTF8 is not supported by the MySQL server' - When database port was not set. #2732195 by szeidler: Fatal error: Call to a member function create() on a non- object in backup_migrate\vendor\backupmigrate\core\src\Source\MySQLiSource.php on line 48. By Ronan: Put in a check for mysqli extension. #2865949 by Dinu Rodnitchi, pmunch: Add Backup Destination: "Directory Path" field is gone. #2687555 by Znak, dhruveshdtripathi: Add a link to configurations page. Backup and Migrate 8.x-4.0-alpha2, 2017-04-04 --------------------------------------------- #2809965 by szeidler: Restore - nothing happens #2833245: Error: Call to undefined method confSet() - prevents backup #2741245 by tobiberlin: On restore page: Notice: Undefined index: groups in BackupMigrate\Drupal\Config\DrupalConfigHelper::addFieldsFromSchema(). #2741301 noise on destination page. #2820911 Web server detection failing for IIS. #2826107 by szeidler: Error msgs on settings page. #2741265 by szeidler: Backups not gzipped. #2834178 by pifagor: Notice: Undefined index: settings_profile_id. #2741257 by tobiberlin: On schedule page:Strict warning: Declaration of Drupal\backup_migrate\Controller\ScheduleListBuilder::buildRow() should be compatible with. By Ronan: Updated dependencies. #2749885 by szeidler: Database irreversibly corrupted after export and restore - Encoding issues with non ASCIII texts. Backup and Migrate 8.x-4.0-alpha1, 2016-05-09 --------------------------------------------- By Ronan: First release for Drupal 8.